Friday, February 27, 2009

Filmmakers Bring the World to Boston

A global event approaches that you’ve probably never heard of. I only recently learned that March 8 is the 98th annual International Women's Day.

An official holiday in many countries, Women’s Day honors women worldwide with thousands of events each year.

Bostonians can celebrate with women across the globe March 4-9 during the second annual Boston International Women's Day Film Festival organized by Hostelling International.

Screenings will feature local, national and international films hoping to inspire change on behalf of women everywhere.

This festival promises to build upon last year’s screenings at venues such as Gallery 263 . Annie Newbold, Gallery 263 owner: “Last year was a success because of the high attendance and because the intimate setting allowed for great discussions and left people feeling this strong circular connection.”

Described by famed filmmaker Pare Lorentz as "a factual film which is dramatic,” documentary film moves and educates audiences like no other medium. Its accessibility and credibility help prove what would be hard to imagine otherwise.

Nicole Sheldon-Desjardins, Director of Programs and Education, Hostelling International USA: “In order to truly understand another culture, you need to experience it. Film is a great medium for providing a glimpse into another's life.”

Margaret Mead wisely advised, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.” I don’t know if change will come soon, but I plan to join in the discussion, to hope and fight for change and to write about it all the way. Sphere: Related Content